French band Gojira added to the Mystic Festival Poland line up

A French band that catapulted metal to the next level in the 21st century: the gargantuan GOJIRA joins the lineup of the 2020 Mystic Festival. The group will perform in Krakow on Thursday 11th June on day two of the festival. 

Just when it seemed that metal was losing steam, the brothers Duplantier -singer and guitarist Joe with drummer Mario, backed by Christian Andreu on guitar and Jean-Michel Labadie on bass – proved that this genre has no boundaries. Combining elements that had never been mixed before, GOJIRA achieved an original amalgam of death metal, groove metal and prog metal. The result is crafted with such boldness and performed with such emotion that if GOJIRA didn’t launch a new trend, it’s only because no other band could keep up with them.

They’re a category all unto themselves, as evinced by such outstanding albums as The Way of All Flesh, L’Enfant Sauvage and Magma, as well as their famously riveting live performances. Organisers are happy to announce that their next visit to Poland – the only one in 2020 – will take them to the 2020 Mystic Festival.